Later this year the HPS Network will launch our first capital campaign. Many not-for-profits have annual capital campaigns to help raise money for operating costs. You’ve more than likely received letters in the mail with a particular charity’s story and an appeal for donations. To have an effective campaign, we are currently developing a fundraising database – a collection of names and addresses of people who might be interested in making a donation, however modest, to the HPS Network. And, we’re appealing to you for help with this process. The people most likely to be interested in helping our efforts to find treatments, and one day the cure, for HPS are those closest to us – our grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends and even our doctors. We’re asking our HPS community to send in the names and addresses of their contacts that they think would be good to add to our database. Then, most likely around Thanksgiving, those contacts will receive an appeal letter from the HPS Networ...