I used to post more frequent updates about my health. I was in the drug trial then, and the updates were partly a way to show the day-to-day life of someone with HPS, and partly a way for me to keep track of things for the NIH. Now that the drug study has ended, it isn’t that I have fewer problems – it’s that they’re the same old problems. How often can you really complain about the same old thing before no one wants to hear it anymore? That being said, since I haven’t posted an update in so long, I thought maybe I should. Last week wasn’t good – which I suppose is partly what made me think of it. I’m not sure if I was having an HPS, GI-related flare up, or just some sort of stomach bug, but it was a horrible GI week. For several days I had the runs so badly that I couldn’t leave the house for fear of getting too far away from a bathroom and having an ostomy explosion. Yuck! It started, unfortunately, with a particularly awful code brown in the line at the bank. Yet another ...