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Michael’s Therapy

After yesterday’s little meltdown, today I spent the morning feeling exhausted. I got up at 7:00 am and was at my desk by 8:00 am. By 10:00 am I was back in bed. I was so tired. Since last Thursday I’ve had a headache, but not like my usual sinus headaches. This one feel like it’s right at the back of my head, almost in my neck, at the base of my skull. Seems like a weird place to have a headache.

Then my ear started to feel like it had water in it, so I thought it was maybe an ear infection. Anxious to avoid a trip to the doctor, I slept with a heating pad under my ear and sure enough, a bunch of clear fluid came out and my headache was better. Still, I’ve just felt draggy – perhaps under the weather, perhaps depressed – hard to tell.

By 1:40 pm I woke up (thankfully) and was staring at the clock. I was seriously thinking about cancelling the appointment with the accountant. My joints hurt. I felt so sleepy, so tired and so foggy in the head.

But the idea of having this unfinished business hanging over my head won out and I forced myself to get up and go. By the time I got to the accountant, I felt a bit weak, but better.

She almost laughed me out of her office when I explained what I needed to do and sought her advice about how to best set it up and document it etc.

It was reassuring, however, that the process is simple and the tax I’m likely to owe is close to nothing. I’ll probably get back most of what I have to pay at the end of the year – a shame as I could really use it now.

We set up the right hoops. My accountant is German and is from the same area in Germany where we lived when I was in high school. I think we spent more time talking about her last trip home to Bremen than we did about my financial life, such as it is. I enjoyed that. It was nice to compare memories with someone.

Her office is right near two of my favorite stores – Michaels and Borders.

Yes, I know, what am I doing shopping when my life is one big financial mess!

I was naughty, but in girl fashion, I have justifications for my bad behavior.

I’d be happy going to Michaels even if I didn’t buy anything – although I don’t think I’ve ever managed that feat. It’s as if walking around looking at all of the art supplies and smelling the sweet smell of potpourri in the air has an instant calming effect on me. I look at everything, even things I don’t personally do much of like sewing and scrapbooking. I love looking at the colors and patterns and putting them together in my mind imagining all of the creative possibilities. It’s like a drug, a fix…ahhhh…….

I’ve been doing a lot more painting lately which has seriously depleted my paints supply. First it was crafts and now its Christmas presents. When I finish those I hope to do more paintings I might be able to sell – maybe – everyone keeps telling me to do that. I normally don’t replace all my paints at one time, but it isn’t easy getting to the store so I went for it and bought a fresh tube of every color I usually use. While theoretically you can mix any color except the primary colors and white – the reality is a few hues of blue and violet and yellow are hard to get. It’s just easier and faster to buy them already mixed.

Then I discovered the frame sale.

The day before my mom was trying to get me to more aggressively sell my art work – perhaps a little cash income. Besides having no idea how to market artwork, most of the places I see that are possible want the work framed. Framing is expensive. What do you know but today Michaels had a 50 to 80 percent off sale on frames and mattes! Talk about faith – I bought six frames and mattes in the size of the canvases I have at home. Fingers crossed that little investment pays off!!!

Then it was onto Borders. Again, I love the smell of a bookstore. I love to just look at all the book covers and think about who must have written the books – how long it must have taken – wonder what their writing process is like. Nerdy isn’t it?

I have an idea for a children’s book, so I’ve been paying special attention to children’s books lately, noting the language, styles of illustration and the publishers.

While I’m not buying a lot of Christmas presents, I did want to get my Godkids something. Aunty Heather has barely seen them this year and I’d like to do something to connect with them.

Thanks to MyPoints – ask me about that if you like – I had $20 in Borders gift cards. I got presents for three kids for $10.

Karen T. is the best bargain hunter I know. Whenever I manage a coup like this I say, “I did a Karen!”

So, needless to say I’m very much behind in HPSland. Lots of people are waiting on things from me – but hey, I feel a little more sane tonight.


Anonymous said…
I get those kind of headaches at the base of the head and have found that mostly it is due to stree and grinding of my teeth at night. There is nothing worse than your head hurting and nothing taking the pain away. Hang in there!

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