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Help the HPS Network earn $5,000 in the next 24 hours

Our friends at iGive are having a membership push for the next 24 hours - until midnight central time tomorrow Dec. 17th. If you don't already belong to iGive, go to their site at the link below, join, and do a single search using their search engine. We get $1 for every person that does this, up to $5,000. Please copy and help get the word out! No purchase is necessary. It's a pretty easy fundraiser if we mobilize quickly and everyone follows through.

We have another fundraising opportunity. For every new person that joins iGive with the link below and does a single search on their search engine, we'll get $1 up to $5,000. Please help us. No purchase is necessary. Please help us get the word out - we only have a short window. This letter exiplains how it works:
Thanks for helping us!
Hi Heather,
We know that many causes have had a hard year, so we'd like to try something new tohelp Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Network that requires your participation, but is free and definitely easy. is going to attempt to donate $5,000 in just 24 hours to Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Network and other causes. For each person who joins iGive using the special link below and does just one web search on our site between now and noon Thursday, we'll give Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Network a dollar.
5,000 new members, $5,000. No purchase necessary.
Of course, if they search more (or buy something) they'll earn even more money for Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Network.Right now, we're donating $.02 per search and a bonus $5 for that first purchase plus the usual percentage.
Here's where you come in. The only way Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Network will get new supporters and that free $1 (or more) is if you invite them. Send your friends, family, and colleagues the following link in an e-mail, tweet it, do a Facebook posting, put up posters, shout from mountain tops (you know the drill) and let them know you think Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Network is pretty cool and deserves their support, especially since it's free! You can even just forward this e-mail.
This is the link: We're really proud of our search capability, powered by Yahoo! We've made tons of improvements over the past four months, so we want lots of people to try it out and put it to the test. If they keep on searching or shopping after testing us out, so much the better for Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Network and
The details: - Offer active between now and 11:59 a.m., December 17, 2009 (Chicago time). - New members only (never have been an iGive member previously). All the normal rules of membership, searching, and purchasing apply, our site has the details. - Once we've given away $5,000, the offer ends.
That's it. Don't forget to try our search yourself ( You may need to login first.
From our families to yours, we hope you have a great holiday season.
Robert N. GrosshandlerFounder


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