I think I jinxed it. After posting that my GI issues were better, apparently my bowels decided they were being ignored and wanted more attention. I've had cramps and the runs and joint pain every since I last posted. I've also been hugely tired. I spent most of yesterday in bed, and about half of today. It wasn't intentional. Every time I sat down I'd fall asleep. Finally, I just gave up and got comfy. And the skin that had been its best in years - well, there's a new ulcer about the size of a quarter. It only bleeds a tad, but I had four code browns yesterday. Drats! This is when I get blue. Everyone's been worried about me being blue because of having to go on disability. I only get blue when I've got things I want to be getting done, and my body vetos the idea. That makes me frustrated. I feel as though I should be able to just toughen up and get the job done, but when you can't stay awake that's hard. Maybe I should start taking the stuff Dr. Mar...
Stories from the battle to cure Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome, and other observations about every day life