Goodsearch has made it easier for you to book travel reservations and earn money for the HPS Network at the same time. They have consolidated all of the travel-related merchants on goodshop into one place at:
When you book with one of these merchants going through this website (and you're registered as supporting the HPS Network) a percentage of your purchase price is donated to the HPS Network. Merchants include many major hotel chains, as well as sites like Priceline, Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity. If you're planning a trip, check it out!
When you book with one of these merchants going through this website (and you're registered as supporting the HPS Network) a percentage of your purchase price is donated to the HPS Network. Merchants include many major hotel chains, as well as sites like Priceline, Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity. If you're planning a trip, check it out!