A message from Carmen Camacho! (You all know my Spanish isn't this good!)
Hoy y todos los Miércoles, a las 8:30 pm hora este , tendremos el grupo de apoyo en Espanol para padres con niños con HPS. Este es un servicio que nos provee el Jewish Guild for the blind. Es totalmente gratuito!! Si quieren participar comuníquese conmigo vía e mail: camachoc2000@yahoo.com o me pueden llamar al 508.395.7523. Yo le puedo proveer el número de teléfono y el código de entrada. Los esperamos!! Gracias!!
Today and every Wednesday, we are having the Parent support group in Spanish, for parents of children with HPS. This is a free service sponsored by the Jewish Guild for the blind, If you want to participate please e mail me at camachoc2000@yahoo.com or call me at 508.395.7523 so I can provide the toll free number and the entrance code for the call. Thanks Hope to talk to you soon!!!
Yes, I know it isn't Wednesday - sorry, I was under the weather and in bed most of yesterday.
Hoy y todos los Miércoles, a las 8:30 pm hora este , tendremos el grupo de apoyo en Espanol para padres con niños con HPS. Este es un servicio que nos provee el Jewish Guild for the blind. Es totalmente gratuito!! Si quieren participar comuníquese conmigo vía e mail: camachoc2000@yahoo.com o me pueden llamar al 508.395.7523. Yo le puedo proveer el número de teléfono y el código de entrada. Los esperamos!! Gracias!!
Today and every Wednesday, we are having the Parent support group in Spanish, for parents of children with HPS. This is a free service sponsored by the Jewish Guild for the blind, If you want to participate please e mail me at camachoc2000@yahoo.com or call me at 508.395.7523 so I can provide the toll free number and the entrance code for the call. Thanks Hope to talk to you soon!!!
Yes, I know it isn't Wednesday - sorry, I was under the weather and in bed most of yesterday.