This message was posted on the Facebook discussion group for Year of the Lung some time ago but I only just today found it while looking for something else. I thought I'd pass it along to our lung transplant crew. Grin! Just in case you might be interested..... Joanne Schum 2nd Edition: "Taking Flight: Inspirational Stories of Lung Transplantation" Looking for Stories"Taking Flight: Inspirational Stories of Lung Transplantation"The new year has begun, and I am now ready to do the 2nd Edition of Taking Flight!!!!If you, or you know anyone, anywhere in the World, any lung illness, is a recipient, carer, family or friend of someone who received a lung, lungs, heart/lung transplant - this is an opportunity to get your story published.Many details are still being accomplished, but this is the first message to let you know the opportunity.Just a bit about the book.It will contain stories that the contributors write themselves, a family member, whomever they would lik...
Stories from the battle to cure Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome, and other observations about every day life