The following information was in the NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders) newsletter. I thought I'd pass it along to the HPS and CHS communities as we definately qualify as orphan diseases.
EveryLife Art Contest: Empowering Artists Affected by Rare Diseases
The Kakkis EveryLife Foundation is inviting artists to participate in the first annual EveryLife Art Contest. The competition is open to all artists affected by a rare disease ages five and older, as well as close friends, family members or care-takers of those with a rare or undiagnosed disease. Entries must be received by 5pm on Friday October 30, 2009. For more information: Documents/ EveryLifeRareDiseaseArtContest .pdf
EveryLife Art Contest: Empowering Artists Affected by Rare Diseases
The Kakkis EveryLife Foundation is inviting artists to participate in the first annual EveryLife Art Contest. The competition is open to all artists affected by a rare disease ages five and older, as well as close friends, family members or care-takers of those with a rare or undiagnosed disease. Entries must be received by 5pm on Friday October 30, 2009. For more information: Documents/ EveryLifeRareDiseaseArtContest .pdf