Today was a good day. The temperature seems to be gone and I still have no idea why anyone would have ordered oxygen for me - I certianly never even came close to needing it. I don't have any test results back and my pulmonary function tests are tomorrow. Today we did the CT scan, Ecocardiogram, DEXA scan, lots of blood work etc. They tried to get blood gases on me again and once again they didn't get it. I must be a hard stick - I don't know. I hate to be an uncompliant patient, but I let them stick me three times and three times the lady was in there moving that needle around, digging around trying to find an artery as opposed to a vein. She never could get it and when she wanted another go at it, I finally said no - at least not again today. That hurts!!! And when they keep going at it, then it gets really, really sore!
Lots more to share - and some pics as well! But, time for bed. My PFTs are bright and early in the moring, and Clara, the woman that does them, is here at the crack of dawn!
Lots more to share - and some pics as well! But, time for bed. My PFTs are bright and early in the moring, and Clara, the woman that does them, is here at the crack of dawn!