Patience may be a virtue, but it is certainly not a skill of mine. I am just about at my five-month lungaversary. They are constantly telling me that everyone’s recovery is different. You can’t compare your recovery to someone else’s. Intellectually, I get that. Really, I do. Emotionally, however, I’m like a toddler. I want it, and I want it now. And why shouldn’t I? This transplant has been hard work. I’m blessed that I got a lung at all. So many of my good friends did everything right, waited and waited, and the lung never came in time. While I’ve beaten the statistics consistently throughout my life, I am well aware of all the post-transplant statistics. I am well aware of all the complications that can happen. I’ve been given a chance. I’ve been given more time. I don’t want to spend it waiting. I’ve got a lot to do with this new lung. Thankfully, (knocking on wood) the new lung is working pretty good right now. It isn’t up to full capacity by any stretch, but my spirometry is hold...
Stories from the battle to cure Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome, and other observations about every day life