Confession time. I know some may decide I’m wacky with this, but my imagination has been taken up lately by a story in the news that a non-profit, based in the Netherlands, is taking applications to be a part of the first Mars colony. Scam? Crazy scheme? Unrealistic? Farfetched? I don’t really care. I don’t intend to apply. First, I would never pass the health screenings. Even if I could, when HPS finally takes a serious toll on my lungs, I don’t think I want to be on Mars trying to cope – assuming that my lungs hold out that long. (Should you be selected to be one of the first Mars colonists, they expect training to last 10 years.) Second, I do have a tendency towards claustrophobia. I can’t imagine surviving being in a small space for the long trip to Mars, and then likely having to live in a confined space indefinitely once you arrive. Claustrophobia is one of those weird things where, in your mind, you completely understand your fear is irrational and not based on any...