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Showing posts from November, 2012

RARE screened in San Francisco

The documentary RARE was screened at the Roxie Theatre in San Francisco on Nov. 1st. About 75 people attended the event. After the screening, a panel answered questions for the audience. Heather Kirkwood, Vice President of the HPS Network and one of the stories featured in the film, was on the panel. The film’s producers, Maren Grainger-Monsen and Nicole Newnham, were also on the panel and answered questions about why they chose the HPS story, and why they made certain filmmaking decisions. Dr. Holbrook Kohrt, a doctor and rare cancer researcher, was also on the panel to talk about the film from a researcher’s point of view. He also had great insights as a patient and shared some about his life with hemophilia. 

HPS’ers use RARE to outreach at medical school

Carmen  Camacho, a board member of the HPS Network, Rebecca Rosado and Yara Nunez, screened the documentary RARE for the Genetics Counseling program at Boston University in mid November. About 30 people, most of whom are or will be working in the field of genetics, attended the event. One genetics counselor even remarked to Carmen that she heard about the film from a colleague in Seattle. The colleague had urged her to get a copy!  RARE is available to HPS’ers who would like to hold a screening of the film for a medical or community audience. When you have a location, contact the HPS Network to obtain a copy. Thanks to this group for doing so much outreach in the Boston area for HPS. 

Hotline for problems voting

This came across my desk today. I'm just posting for anyone interested. It's about a hotline for anyone having trouble voting related to vision.  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Chris Danielsen Director of Public Relations National Federation of the Blind (410) 659-9314, extension 2330 (410) 262-1281 (Cell) National Federation of the Blind to Run Blind Voter Hotline Election Day Hotline to Ensure Blind Voters Receive Right to Private, Independent Vote Baltimore, Maryland (November 2, 2012):  The  National Federation of the Blind , the oldest and largest organization of blind people in the United States, today announced that it will be hosting an Election Day hotline  that blind voters, poll workers, and voting rights advocates can call if problems arise with accessible voting technology or if other barriers prevent a blind voter from casting a private and independent ballot. The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) ...

National Federation of the Blind offers 30 scholarships for legally blind students

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) offers 30 scholarships for legally-blind students in the US and Puerto Rico planning to attend post-secondary schools in the fall of 2013. The amount of the scholarships ranges from $3,000 to $12,000. Winners are required to attend the National Federation of the Blind convention (expenses paid) July 1 – 6, 2013. For more information, go to:  Many of the NFB’s state affiliates also have scholarship programs of their own.