I saw this quiz this morning, and I had to share! It tests your knowledge about the uninsured. I very, very rarely speak on this blog about my own political views. I do this intentionally because, while this is my PERSONAL blog, I don't want anyone to ever be confused about what's my personal view of the world, and what is the HPS Network's policy. We need to be in this fight for the cure with a unified voice, and so I forgo voicing my own politics in an effort to keep readers focused on the goal - the cure. That being said, for many of us living with HPS, HUGE medical bills are a way of life. One thing that makes living with a chronic illness like HPS different than many other types of illness is that for many of us with HPS, the "sick tax" never ends. I'm not going to get better than I am now. If anything, I'm going to get worse. Since the age of 19 I've had monthly medical bills that at their best, and with employer coverage, were never once less...