I'm just passing along this information for anyone who might be interested. On Wednesday, January 19 at 8:00 PM, eastern, Joe Ruffalo, host of Thru Our Eyes will conduct interviews with Mary Ellen Gabias and Mary Jo Hartle. Coordinator of the NFB/eBay project, Mary Ellen Gabias will highlight those considering a career that includes selling on eBay or training others to do so. Director of education at the Jernigan Institute, Mary Jo Hartle, will feature the upcoming Youth SLAM 2011. In addition, Mary Jo will discuss additional programs and projects conducted and sponsored by the national organization. To watch and listen, please visit the following: www.thruoureyes.org or for our JAWS users and mobile phone users, please visit m.thruoureyes.org To call in with a question or comment, please dial 1 888 572 0141 UPCOMING INTERVIEWS Save the Date and Time: On Wednesday, February 16, at 8:00 PM, eastern, Joe Ruffalo will conduct interviews with Ca...