These are a few random pics from our Christmas. As you can tell, they weren't all taken at the same time, and I'll post more later from random events of the holidays. I'm not in an organized mood I guess. Ryan put up the antique train set he got from our dad around the Christmas tree. Trains have a special kind of meaning in our Kirkwood family traditions. When my dad was very young, in about 1950, it had been a hard year for his family. His dad sold his set of tools to buy my dad the train he wanted for Christmas that year. This is the train you see around the tree, I think. Grin. When I was maybe four, my dad built a train platform in our dining room. We used Fisher Price buildings for the buildings, and gave the little people rides in the baggage car. It was such an event that I remember it even now. Dad (mindful of his two visually impaired kids) built a hole in the middle of the platform so that we could stand in the middle and see everything up close. It ...
Stories from the battle to cure Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome, and other observations about every day life